
According to ANSSI, ‘digital security is everyone’s business.’ The protection of digital data is a crucial issue for businesses in our time. The world is becoming increasingly digital, which is extraordinary, but nowadays any connected object can pose a risk to us and our data. On the other hand, cyberattacks continue to increase, and this proliferation requires awareness, with all companies needing to adopt certain practices to prevent/anticipate cyber risk.

What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is a concept that refers to the protection of data and computer systems against digital attacks. It ensures security at the level of data, storage, and networks.

What are the challenges of cybersecurity?

Cybercrime refers to crimes primarily committed using information technologies. Its challenges are mainly economic and legal in nature. They include:

  • Cybercrime: Users engage in illicit use of digital tools with the intent to deceive.
  • Personal data breaches: According to a Senegalese newspaper, cybercrime was reported when a customer of BHS (Bank of Housing and Savings) attempted a withdrawal but couldn’t proceed due to exceeding the daily limit. Intrigued as he had not made any transaction, he immediately contacted the bank to complain. Upon investigation, the bank discovered withdrawals had been recorded on the customer’s account from Douala, Cameroon. Following this case, other customers who had experienced similar hassles came forward.
  • Computer fraud or breaches of automated database restriction systems.
  • Software and confidential data hacking.
  • Jeopardizing company reputation by falsifying content. In France, according to a study conducted by the audit and consulting firm PWC, companies experienced nearly 43 million attacks in a year.

What protective measures can be taken?

. Careful selection of passwords (more than 12 characters of different types)

. Distinguishing between personal and professional usage (USB drives, mobile devices, and especially social networks)

. Strengthening technological equipment protection.

. Protecting one’s digital identity.

. Regular data backup.

. Software updates.

. Raising awareness among users and company collaborators about information security.

. Utilizing encryption and antivirus software.

What are the most common cyberattacks affecting Canadian companies?

A virus is a contagious program or code that infects another software and then reproduces itself on the computer, network, or other computers through file transfers.

Adware displays ads on your computer. Often installed with free tools downloaded from unreliable sources.

Spyware tracks activities on the internet.

Password cracking occurs when unauthorized access to user accounts is gained directly.

An exploit is a malicious program that takes advantage of unpatched vulnerabilities in outdated software.

Browser hijacker redirects normal search activity to produce results the hacker wants you to see. Its goal is to make money from your web browsing, ranging from delivering ad-based content to phishing for your banking or other data.

Ransomware locks users out of their computer or data on their devices until they pay, usually in cryptocurrency, to get the unlocking key. Even if you pay, there’s a risk you won’t receive a working key.

Man-in-the-middle attack is a type of cyber attack where the attacker secretly intercepts the victim’s communications with another party.

Trojan horses aim to discover information like financial data. They can also carry other malicious programs. They are also used to commandeer resources to launch attacks on other devices.


In the digital age, the computer system is essential for all businesses. Cybercriminals have caused significant damage in recent years. It’s undeniable that completely avoiding cyber attacks seems impossible; however, by adopting good practices, the risk can be mitigated.



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